Sunday, October 4, 2020

Health Education Programmes in Schools is needed

Regular physical activity provides numerous health benefits - from learner bodies and lower blood pressure to improved mental health and cognitive functioning. As the school physical education and awareness programme promotes physical activity and can teach skills as well as form or change behaviour, it holds an important key to influencing health and well being across the life span. To improve the fitness of students, we need to rethink the design and delivery of school-based physical education training.

 Country like USA, where information about health is more important for students to learn than the content in language, arts, science and technology, geography or any other subject.
Despite this highly developed nation, most schools devote minimal curriculum time to teaching students how to lead healthy lifestyle.
Our first step might be to consider ways to increase course time devoted to physical activity and training. In addition, school need to thoughtfully analyse the delivery and design of school physical education programme to ensure that they are interesting, engaging, appropriate, inclusive and instructionally powerful.

All these steps lead the students mentally, physically, emotionally and strategically powerful adults in future.



ऐसा था नहीं जैसा अब मैं बन गया हूं , चलते चलते एक जगह थम गया हूं  लोगों के विचार में फसा एक झमेला हूं मैं, तूझे लगता है कि मैं खुश हूं, पर म...