Thursday, July 2, 2020

How can you protect your eyes?

Eyes are one of sense organs. Eyes gives ability to visualise every physical object in the environment. We can see the nature, plants, animals etc. and different colours with our eyes. Our eyes have millions of rod cells to see colours and cone cells to see black and white. These gives a resolution of 576 megapixels to eyes. We need to protect our eyes from dust, tiny solid particles and diseases like conjunctivitis, trachoma, myopia, hypermetropia, night blindness, allergies etc.

How to protect your eyes and vision?

Here are few suggestions to take care of your eyes :
You must eat fresh green vegetables like spinach, cabbage, carrot, gourd and fruits like mango, orange, amla and papaya. They rich in vitamin A which is needed for healthy eyes.
Always wash your eyes with cool and clean water three or four times every day.
Wear sun glasses on sunny days. They protect your eyes from the direct rays of sun. Also avoid watching solar eclipse with the naked eyes.
Avoid reading practice in dim light, in moving train and vehicles or while lying down. Don't keep reading material too near to your eyes.
It should be 2.5 ft away from the eyes and at readable height in a comfortable condition.
If you feel something in your eyes ask someone to give a gentle blow in your eyes to bring the material (hairs, dust particles, etc.) out from the eyes. Splash some fresh water on it.
Never rub your eyes when irritation occurs. You may blink quickly to start the flow of tears which internally wash your eyes.
If you have any problem in reading things, you should immediately visit and consult an eye specialist.
You should avoid watching mobile phone and television for too long hours and working on a computer or laptop screens for longer periods put a lot of strain on the eyes. Take break after every 20 minutes to reduce the pressure on your eyes.
You should practice meditation and yoga for healthy eyes.
Exercises made specially for healthy eyes like "tratak" will help in maintaining your vision.
Don't look at higher intensity of light directly.
Get your eyes checked Up at regular intervals. 

Lastly, one should take a best care of eyes. They add colours to your life !!

For healthy body and mind read this article__

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