Saturday, July 4, 2020

Micro Teaching - Concept and notes

"Micro Teaching is a scaled down method of teaching encounters in class size and class time."
- Dwight Allen

Micro teaching is a technique of training which one learns the skills of teaching through a scaled down process of teaching-learning.

Micro Teaching Cycle : -
1. Identification of specific skill.
2. Demonstration of the skill.
3. Micro lesson planning.
4. Teaching session.
5. Feedback or evaluation.
6. Micro lesson re-planning.
7. Re-teach with improvements.
8. Re-feedback or re-evaluation.

Characteristics or features of Micro teaching :
i) Scaled down teaching process i.e., 5 to 10 students, 5 to 10 minutes, and small size of content to be taught.
ii) Only one teaching skill is considered at a time.
iii) The micro lesson plans depends upon micro events.
iv) It provides feedback on trainee performance.
v) It is an individualized technique.

Micro teaching cycle :
1. Identification of specific skill.
2. Demonstration of the skill.
3. Micro lesson planning.
4. Teaching session.
5. Feedback or evaluation.
6. Micro lesson planning.
7. Re-teach with improvements.
8.Re-feedback or re-evaluation.

Advantages or merits of Micro teaching :

1. It gives guidelines for improvement in teaching.
2. It is a real form of teaching.
3. It permits concentration on same or specific skill.
4. It enables pupil-teacher's to view their own performance and provides opportunities to make self-criticism.
5. It facilitates re-planning, re-teaching, re-feedback till the desired skill is achieved.
6. It expands the normal knowledge of results.
7. It provides immediate feedback to the trainees.
8.Development of confidence level of the trainees.
9. Introduction to the curriculum outline.
10. One can analyse own teaching skills.
11. It helps in developing teaching efficiency.
12. Modification of teachers behaviour.
13. It helps in reducing complexity of teaching.
14. It can be used as a research tool.
15. It provides continuous reinforcement.
16. It helps in regulating the teaching practices.

Demerits :
1. Costly process.
2. Narrow in scope.
3. Disturbs existing timetable.
4. Presentation in small parts leads to ambiguity.
5. Difficulty in actual practice.
6. Artificial form of teaching.
7. Reduces creativity.
8. Lack of trained teachers.
9. Administration difficulties.
10. Lack of relevent literature.
11. Sophisticated Apparatus.

Skills of reinforcement :  It is an important skill used in micro teaching.
" Reinforcement is the behaviour of the teacher for encouraging the students and helping them in participation in the lesson plan development. "

Reinforcement = feedback and modification of
                               behaviour of learners in a                                                  corrective way.

Reinforcement makes learners eager to know more and more knowledge to get better reply from the teacher.

Components :

Positive desirable behaviour
1. Positive verbal
2. Positive non-verbal
3. Extra verbal

Negative undesirable behaviour
1. Negative verbal
2. Negative non-verbal
3. Inappropriate

Positive components or reinforcers are the stimulus that provide pleasant experiences on the learners.
Whereas, negative components or reinforcers comprises of harsh, strict experiences and penalising experiences.It include wrong use of reinforcement, reinforcement not given when required,  reinforcement is given when not required, and special treatment to the favourite students.

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