Sunday, July 19, 2020

What is bitcoin? Is it safe for transactions !!!!

A peer-to-peer system of blockchain, originally started for a cryptocurrency Bitcoin, has 
caused major disruptions in the stock market. Bitcoin, 
a cryptocurrency, was introduced to the world in 2008 by an anonymous under the name of Satoshi Nakamoto. A ‘virtual currency’, which is deined 
as any type of digital unit, used as a medium of exchange, a unit of account, or a form of stored value. The idea was close to the gold standard but with an alternative view.

Cryptocurrencies are borderless, decentralized, and 
capable of replacing money in just about any transaction. Without any physical infrastructure, Bitcoin has paved its way into the world economy because of ease of use. The “no-
strings” attached idea has appealed to the masses.
 It is positively one of the most innovative inventions ever since the Internet came. It is Internet money and a digital currency; to stop this, we would have to stop the Internet. This is the power of Bitcoin. Virtual currency is unsafe but it's high demand makes it capable of replacing physical currency.

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