Thursday, July 2, 2020

How to be healthy and stay fit? Rules to enjoy happy life !!

Everyone needs a happy and healthy life. Good health is necessary for happiness and success. Those who do not possess good health can't enjoy any kind of happiness in life. Life appears to be a heavy burden to them. Although, there are few and exceptional cases when we find weak and ailing people enjoying happiness and doing good work in spite of bad health and sick body. Many people say that ill body and bad health means failure.

How can we keep our body healthy?
• Only by knowing and carefully following the rules of health :

We must eat only good, pure, plain and nutritious food. We should take carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and minerals, roughage rich food and fruits to have a healthy body. We should drink enough water to make ourselves in good condition. We should avoid over eating or lower eating. We must eat as much as is required to satisfy our hungry stomach.
We should avoid food rich in high amount of sugar or salt. Doing this will help us in avoiding the diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure. 

We should practice physical activities like riding, running, cycling, walking, or swimming. We must do exercise daily to make our body strong and flexible and in good shape.
We must take fresh air as much as possible. We should take sunlight in the morning for atleast half an hour.

We must work because "An idle man's brain is the devil's workshop." An idle man without any kind of work or task to do cannot enjoy good health and wellness. Work is the spice of life. Regular working activities will help in keeping us in healthy state. However, we must take proper rest at regular intervals. Rest is necessary for the upkeep of our health. Continuous work without rest will affect your health sooner or later.

We must have a deep sleep for about six to eight hours a day. Going to bed late and rising early will disturb your nervous system and ruin your health. The sleep should be undisturbed by dreams and thoughts. Sound sleep means good health. A popular proverb teach us - "Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healtby, wealthy and wise."
Avoid oversleep and undersleep both as they make yourself unwell.
We must avoid bad habits like addiction, smoking or drinking which disturbs both mind and body.
One should groom himself/herself in a attractive way.One should brush tooth daily, take bath, and wash hairs on regular basis. Wear washed clothes and maintain your home and surrounding in a clean and hygienic conditions. Well mannered dressing sense and good hairstyle will add benefit to you look. 
You must practice yoga and meditation for healthy body, mind and soul. Spirituality will bring peace and concentration in your life.
We should get regular medical check-ups to know about our biological condition of body.
Awareness will help you in enjoying healthy life. 

Lastly, to enjoy good health, our life must be free from stress and tension. It's your body, you are responsible for managing and maintenance. 
Stay fit and enjoy healthy lifestyle.

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