Monday, June 8, 2020

Activities of Man and the environment

Man in the whole animal kingdom have the presence of intellectual properties and intelligent mind. He discovered wheel, fire, art of producing grains, storage, started rearing domestic animals like dog, cow, ox, camel, horse, made huts and invented things which made ourselves as a self centered modern man. Our Ancestors are monkeys who were dependent on mother nature for food, cloth and habitat, nearly about 5,00,000 million years have been passed of the fact that ancient men were hunting animals for food and gathering fruits in the forest,. But after the discovery of fire the series of invention led many skills, art, devices of modern use, machines etc., we forgot the protection of our mother nature. The activities of human beings are leading to a depletion of natural resources and are creating an imbalance in the environment.
Our life become more comfortable than before it was, but our activities made adverse effect on our environment.
Some of these activities are :
Cutting of trees has distrusted the rainfall pattern in the world.
• Industrialization on large scale made the quality of air we breathe very poor.
• Uncontrolled growth of human population put heavy pressure on our natural resources.
• Sewage disposal into rivers, ponds, lakes made fresh water polluted and badly effected the ecosystem of water.
• Use of chemical fertilizers in agricultural activities polluted land, ground water quality and our food chain.
• Poisonous fumes due to the burning of fuel from vehicles are harmful for both plants and animals.
• Excessive use of fossil fuel which releases carbon di-oxide contributes to global warming.
• Excessive use of non-biodegradable plastic bags is a threat to the environment.
• Destruction of wildlife and forest land.
• No proper planning for the protection of environment
• Mining activities at large scale have resulted in deforestation, landfall and other disasters.
• Hunting of wild animals is done by hunters for getting things like skin, bones, teeth and flesh have reduced the population of wild animals and disturbed the wildlife which has been resulted in reduction of forest areas.
• The wastes from factories established by human beings pollute land, air, and water which results in destruction of living bodies.
• Use of certain chemicals like chlorophlorocarbons in perfumes, deodorant spray, hairs prays, refrigerators and jet planes made a huge depletion in the ozone layer of atmosphere which protect us from the harmful effects of Ultraviolet rays.
• Activities producing noise is displeasing and disrupts the balance of nature.

It should be understood that when plants in an area are destroyed, the animals that depend upon them are also destroyed. Hunting of animals for bonse, skin, for fun sports is cruelty to them and mother nature. 
If the man continue to kill animals for their selfish needs, a time may come when certain animals would become extinct.
And then, when a living organism becomes extinct, it means that there are no more members of that particular organism on the earth. As a consequence, the food chain will also be affected.

Fight against pollution
We should reduce the use of private vehicles and emphasis should be laid on the discovery of environment friendly fuel to reduce the quantity of gases like carbon di-oxide, carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, and sulphur dioxide in the air. It will help in reduction of acid rain that harms historical monuments and living organisms.

Conservation of the environment

It is now become more important to protect the environment and wildlife to save the mother nature. We should avoid the misuse of available gifts of nature.

We should organise awareness and informative programmes towards the protection of endangered species. Human beings need forests for medicines, fruits, wood, and oxygen. Therefore plantation of trees, plants and forest restoration can be done to save the environment.
Avoiding the use of non-biodegradable plastics will restrict the pollution of land, water and air.
Avoiding the wastage of water and smart disposal of sewage should be done to maintain the purity of fresh water. 
Use of public transport system will be a positive step towards pollution control. The scientists should try to discover environment friendly fuel and the entrepreneur should ensure their commercial production and easy availability to save the ecosystem.
(Jatropha - a plant used in production of biodiesel)
Canola, olive oil, palm oil, soyabean and sunflower oil used in the production of bio diesel.
Natural gas could be used as fuel in cooking and transport. Sustainable use of resources to save them for our coming generations.

Human beings should try to control population and protect the depletion of natural resources.
These steps will help in the growth of mother nature and conservation of the environment.

Protect the endangered species , forests and wildlife will make the planet more beautiful and liveable.

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