Saturday, June 20, 2020

International Day of Yoga - 21st of June

Indian culture is well flourished during ancient time and ancient people in India live along the bank of river. Around 10000 years ago, vedic civilization exists here and strict rules are followed by people in all acts of living.
People of vedic civilization are spiritual, well cultured and vegetarian. They practice yoga for betterment of body, soul, thoughts, views, ideas, mind and life. They practice exercises and deep breathing. They eat healthy food and fruits which they produce organically by their own. They used to eat Ayurvedic medicines and drinks when become ill. Yoga provides better health and concentration with attainment of power in body.
Yoga gives -
• good health
• better concentration
• healthy mind
• powerful body
• good digestive system
• better respiratory system
• increase immunity
• peaceful mind
• stress and tension free life
• better blood circulation
• good oxygen level
• strong bones and muscles
• benefit in attainment of spirituality
• good mental health
• relief from all type of imbalances
• development of body
• regeneration of new cells
• improves growth of children

Practicing daily yogic exercises like Pranayam, Anulom -Vilom, Bhastrika, Kapalbhati, Bhramari, Udgith, Ujjayi improves respiration and presence of oxygen in blood with all round benefit to body.

Yoga is nothing but a breathing based exercise which makes body healthy and strong. Meditation helps in increasing concentration power and mental peace. It help in recovery from any type of mental illness.

Advance aasanas like Shirshasana, Vrishchikakasana, mayurasana,  sarvangasana, halasana, vrikshasana, padhasthasana help in gain very powerful body and mind.
Yogic exercises help in fighting with all type of communicable and non communicable diseases.

"Just as the boyhood, youth and old age come to the embodied Soul in this body, in the same manner, is the attaining of another body; the wise man is not deluded at that."

"By being established in Yoga, O Dhananjaya, undertake actions, casting off attachment
and remaining equipoised in success and failure. Equanimity is called Yoga."

                                 - Bhagavata Gita

We celebrate International Yoga Day on every 21st of June (longest day in 365 days) the year 2015 to attain peace and healthy body. Many organisations organise various programmes on this occasion to make people aware for getting healthy body and mind. 

To stay fit everyone should practice yoga and meditation daily to achieve a good healthy state of mind and body. 
Yoga have many advantages and benefits. Therefore, practice it to stay fit, healthy and live longer life.

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